Banner. Left side is blue with the words Programs & Resources in white. Image is an ethnically-diverse group of older adults, on or around a bench, smiling and laughing.

Ageism Awareness Overview

Despite the many contributions of older people to society and their wide diversity, negative attitudes about older people are common across societies and are seldom challenged.

Stereotyping (how we think), prejudice (how we feel), discrimination (how we act) towards people on the basis of their age is ageism. (Definition from World Health Organization)

Ageism affects people of all ages but has particularly deleterious effects on the health and well-being of older people. Ageism, unlike aging, is not inevitable. Ending ageism benefits us all.

Longevity is here to stay. Everyone is aging. In fact, thanks to medical advances and education about maintaining good physical and mental health, the human life span is increasing, especially adding years to the lives of people over 80. Many more people reach the century mark and beyond. This is good news! It will be better news when ageist understandings cease to underly decision-making in local communities, in provincial and national governments, in medical systems, and in businesses of all varieties. Changing ageist understandings can mean that the contributions of older adults will be valued, older adults will receive appropriate supports to age as actively and healthily as possible AND all of this will produce positive effects for residents of ALL ages in our villages, towns and cities.

We will be posting articles below that are current takes on ageism in our society. The images are hyperlinks. Click the image to access the original article.

Internalized Ageism

Beliefs about age are not set in stone. While ageist messages are found everywhere, we can learn to identify and call out these messages for what they are — just opinions.

Ageism & the Pandemic

How Canada continues to let older adults suffer and die from COVID-19 (The Conversation, April 2, 2023)

Click on the images below for the other pages in the Ageism Awareness menu on this site.

Planet earth from space, North America, Central America, and top of South America in view
Blooming Perennials logo. Photograph of prairie anemone (crocus) with words Blooming Perennials superimposed over the stem area.
Biracial older couple looking at laptop screen and smiling