Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism is an umbrella organization that brings together diverse groups for the betterment of older adults in Saskatchewan. Our current members are from throughout the province and represent specific interests pertaining to older adults. Collectively, these groups represent upwards of 100,000 older adults. SSM’s Board of Directors consists of 12 elected members plus the past president.
There are two categories available:
- Member Organization
- Supporter of SSM
Member Organization
Only incorporated organizations can become members of the Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism. Individuals cannot. Please review our Membership Requirements.
Should your organization meet our membership requirements, and is interested in joining with us to improve the quality of life for older adults in Saskatchewan, please see our Membership Application.
Supporters of SSM
‘Supporters of SSM’ is open to any group or organization whose membership is interested in supporting and advancing the interests of older adults. ‘Supporters of SSM’ may participate in activities of SSM but have no vote. If you are interested in joining, please see our Supporters Application.