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Thelma: a Life in Pictures by Amy Jo Ehman

Cover image of book "Thelma: a life in pictures" by Amy Jo Ehman. Image of young girl of the past, with open magazine in her hand

Cost: $20.00 including shipping

Although not published by SSM, some copies of the book Thelma: A Life in Pictures by Amy Jo Ehman, published by MacIntyre Purcell Publishing, Inc., are available at SSM.

You can order your book by sending a cheque to the SSM Office at 112 -2001 Cornwall Street, Regina, SK S4P 3X9. Books can also be picked up at the SSM office (phone ahead 306-359-9956). Please pay by cash or cheque made out to Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism.

This book tells of the life of Thelma Stevens Pepper, born in Nova Scotia in 2020, who lived in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for many years. Thelma was a photographer who chronicled life on the prairies through her insightful and moving photographs.

The book is an amazing retrospective of the life of an amazing woman, told through Amy Jo’s words and Thelma’s photographs.